Monday, July 20, 2009

It's difficult not to wonder sometimes how the Dharma will fare as we race toward ever-more dazzling bio-tech intimacy, with The Singularity looming as the evolutionary event horizon where all boundaries between the digital and the human vanish. This recent article in the The Atlantic addresses the increasing complexity of the human/tech mosh pit and our apparently increasing intelligence as a result. Will interest in Zen Buddhism & spiritual practice in general decrease as we become more & more entranced by digitalia? Will it increase? Will all ancient bodymind practices (poetry-yoga-meditation-prayer-art) be seen more and more as quaint and irrelevant? Will samadhi become downloadable? Can we digitize Original Mind? Can we live-stream kensho? Will our kids have virtual spouses? Does it matter? Seems like one of the big questions of the day...
(image: 'Two Blind Men Crossing a Log Bridge'' by Hakuin Ekaku)

1 comment:

  1. I'm of the belief that buddhism/taosim/yoga practice will only continue to increase the further that science dives into the origins of our universe and existence. People will naturally start focusing on the here and now, and the inter-connectedness of it all.
